Sometimes, you just need a bit of freshness. Often known as more of a relish, this salsa Verdi is actually perfect as a dip, relish, sauce… whatever you want, really.

When we hear the word ‘salsa’, most of us will probably automatically think of the tomato and chilli version normally accompanied by a packet of tortilla chips. However, salsa Verdi (also known as salsa verde) translates literally as ‘green sauce’. It certainly is green thanks to the freshness of herbs.

Salsa verdi

Should I use fresh herbs?

Fresh herbs are a must for this recipe. While dried herbs certainly serve a purpose and can be added to a variety of dishes, such as stews and casseroles, this salsa Verdi deserves the very best as it won’t be cooked at all. Substandard herbs will mean this sauce will lack the zing and flavour that it needs.

Fresh herbs from the supermarket can be expensive. I’ve been known to buy the plants and attempt to keep them alive, only to unsuccessfully attempt to revive them a week or so later when I’ve forgotten that they even existed. The packets of fresh herbs have been slightly better for me.

Fresh coriander
Fresh coriander

Any leftovers I have, I chop and freeze in ice cube trays for use later on. When you need some herbs, just pop out the required number of ice cubes and add straight into your pan or slow cooker – no need to defrost first.

If you are a green-fingered gardener, you may wish to consider growing your own herbs and using them. It doesn’t cost much to get started and, if unlike me, you remember to look after them, they’ll serve you well.

Limes cut open on wooden board

How can I use the salsa Verdi?

As I mentioned earlier, I love to dip tortilla chips, carrot batons, cucumber sticks and slices of pepper into the sauce.

It’s also perfect if you’re having a barbecue. Imagine grabbing a lamb kebab and smothering it in the tangy salsa Verdi. I’m told by my family that it’s super tasty. Alongside a regular or veggie burger, this sauce is scrumptious, too.

Another way in which you can enjoy this sauce is as a replacement for a gravy-style sauce when you are having a meat and veggies type meal. So, instead of pouring lashings of gravy over your meat, try a dollop of this salsa Verdi on the side. I often do the same with a Quorn fillet, and it adds so much delicious flavour to an otherwise fairly bland meat substitute.

Salsa verdi
Salsa verdi

Other recipes you might like

If you like making different dips for crudites or crisps then check out my Slimming World dips guide for more tasty healthy dips to try.

If you have spare limes after buying a big bag full for this recipe then why not try making chicken and lime tacos or tomato, herb and lime salsa?

Tangy chilli salsa
Tangy chilli salsa
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Salsa verdi

Easy Salsa Verdi recipe

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star No reviews
  • Author: JustAverageJen
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Side dish
  • Method: Easy
  • Cuisine: Slimming World
  • Diet: Low Calorie


A delicious salsa Verdi perfect for a unique dip to enjoy with other dips for all the family to enjoy


· 15g fresh basil

· 15g fresh mint

· 15g fresh parsley

· 1 tsp lime zest

· 1 clove of garlic, crushed

· 1 tbsp capers in brine

· 1 tsp Dijon mustard

· 1 tbsp lime juice (freshly squeezed is best)

· Salt and pepper to season


Blitz all the ingredients together to create your sauce.

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About Author

Hi, I’m Jen Mellor; I live in Nottingham, UK. and use my knowledge and experience in weight loss and confidence to help you become your own cheerleader and best friend. I am usually seen wearing colourful leggings and love to wear bright colours. Wear what you love, and be proud of your style and choices!

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