Omelettes are a popular and delicious breakfast dish that can be enjoyed any time of the day. You may think an omelette is good for you, but it is often full of unhealthy ingredients and excessive calories. 

The good news is that if you want to cut back on calories, add more nutrients, or just make a few swaps for a more balanced meal, I can help you. In this post, I will share some tips and tricks to make your omelettes healthier. 

omelette on wooden board

Choose the right eggs

The foundation of a good omelette is, of course, the eggs. Opt for organic eggs if possible. They have a richer taste, and you can be sure that the hens’ feed does not contain animal byproducts, synthetic fertilisers, or most pesticides, making your omelette even more delicious and healthier.

Four eggs in a mixing bowl with a whisk ready to be beaten.

Add vegetables

Adding vegetables like peppers, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, and/or onions is an easy way to give your omelette more flavour, colour, and texture. Not only that, but they will also give you more vitamins, minerals, and fibre, making your omelette more nutritious.

roughly chopped red or purple onions on a black shopping board.

Use lean protein

Opt for turkey or chicken sausages over their fatty pork counterparts when adding protein to your omelette. If you don’t like sausages, you can include grilled chicken or tofu instead for added texture, flavour, and nutrients without excess fat. Avoid processed meats if you can as they often contain a lot of salt and additives.

A sliced chicken breast on a wooden board with a large sharp knife.

Be careful which cheese you choose

Cheese is delicious and can add a lot of flavour to your omelette. However, it’s important to remember that it’s usually high in calories and fat.

To make a healthier omelette, you have a few options. You could eliminate the cheese altogether, use a non-dairy alternative, or choose a lower-fat cheese, such as feta or goat cheese.

Regardless of the type of cheese you choose, it’s essential to use it sparingly to reduce the calorie count of your dish.

grated cheese on a wooden board with a block of cheese and metal box cheese grater.

Use less salt

Although adding salt will enhance the flavours of your omelette, you could consider using herbs and spices such as black pepper, paprika, or fresh herbs like parsley to season your omelette instead.

A pair of wooden salt and pepper grinders, the traditional kind where you turn the top to produce salt or pepper that has been ground.

Healthy cooking oils

Choose a healthy cooking oil like olive oil or coconut oil. These types of oils will add flavour to your omelette. If you use a non-stick frying pan to cook your omelette, this will minimise the need for excessive oil, so it will also help reduce your calorie intake.

spoonful of oil being poured

Change your milk

Swap full-fat milk for semi-skimmed or skimmed milk? You could even swap for a non-dairy alternative instead. Unsweetened almond or coconut milk can be used in place of traditional milk.

a small jug of milk on a wooden table.

Be mindful of portion control

Keep an eye on your portion sizes, as reducing the number of eggs and additional ingredients you use can help prevent overeating and maintain your calorie intake.

Consider Egg Whites

For those concerned about cholesterol and calories, try using a mix of whole eggs and egg whites, or just use egg whites. Egg whites are virtually fat-free and can create a lighter omelette while retaining flavour and texture.

whisking egg whites
whisking egg whites

Think about your sides

For breakfast, why not serve your omelette alongside whole-grain toast? A fresh fruit salad or a bowl of Greek yoghurt with honey can make it even healthier. If you’re planning on having your omelette for lunch or dinner, why not add a healthy side salad or even a small portion of dirty fries or dirty wedges? The extra vegetables in your meal mean more nutrients, fibre, and fewer calories.

How do you make your omelette healthier? Do you do anything different from the suggestions I have made above? If so, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

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About Author

Hi, I’m Jen Mellor; I live in Nottingham, UK. and use my knowledge and experience in weight loss and confidence to help you become your own cheerleader and best friend. I am usually seen wearing colourful leggings and love to wear bright colours. Wear what you love, and be proud of your style and choices!

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