So Slimming World vs Cambridge diet, here we look at the similarities and differences.

When we find ourselves at our lowest ebb, desperate to lose weight, we can often seek out the quick fixes, the diets that will turn us from flabby to fit in a matter of weeks.

Slimming World books

Thinking about diets, what have you tried?

How many of us have considered the most drastic of solutions? Whether it’s the cabbage soup diet or resorting to managing tiny portions of pureed food, as babies eat, you were likely unable to stick to it.

Social media makes it easy to “witness” other people’s successes. I say witness in inverted commas because we often only see the start and end results.

Some photos have filters on; some are taken in a different light, and some are even of entirely different people altogether. Have you read about the fake weight loss photos?

Slimming World and the Cambridge Diet/Weight Plan are two popular changes that people make in the UK and can stick to long term.

Here, I compare the two and explain the pros and cons to help you make up your own mind. 

A close up of a fruit

Slimming World in a nutshell

Described as a “new way of loving food and loving life” by the company themselves, many SW enthusiasts see it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet.

Slimming World can teach people to embrace a lower intake of fatty, sugary and processed foods in favour of lean, balanced and nutritious foods.

There are also healthy extras included ensuring the right amount of calcium and fibre without damaging the chances of losing weight.

Body magic is something all Slimming World enthusiasts will be aware of. It encourages those following the plan to increase the amount of activity they do, whether that be brisk walks around the local park or attending a weekly game of football.

butternut squash and sweet potato veggie burgers

Slimming World cost

Signing up for Slimming World will set you back around £5 a week online and just under £6 if you prefer in-person meetings. Which you choose is entirely up to you.

Personally, I have done both and found that sitting there and listening to other people’s successes could be motivating.

However, I then attended a different group with a less upbeat atmosphere where I didn’t feel as welcome.

As with everything in life, you feel like you fit in some places, and you don’t in others. So, don’t write off in-person meetings altogether if you’ve had one bad experience.

The online plan does give you access to a wonderful forum, and the app is superb, so you have plenty of support.

Due to the recent pandemic, many more people have resorted to this and been pleasantly surprised by the results despite restrictions on exercise and certain products in shops being unavailable.

Uk £20 and £5 notes on table

Slimming World and weight loss guides

Here are some quick jump buttons to help you find my most popular Slimming World guides and be sure to check all my Slimming World recipes too.

Cambridge Diet/Weight Plan

First launched in the UK in 1984, this one is actually called a diet or weight plan (originally the Cambridge Diet, but is now known as the 1:1 Diet by the Cambridge Weight Plan).

It promises quick results and many people do have huge success losing vast amounts of weight.

A bunch of different types of food on a table

What can you eat on the Cambridge diet?

The 1:1 diet is a restrictive one, so the number of calories consumed on a daily basis will be fairly low, but with a minimum number of 600.

Once you have found a consultant, they will work with you individually to build your plan.

All of the products on offer, the meals, snacks and replacement products like shakes, will be used to build your daily food intake with all designed to be at or just under 200 calories.

It’s quick and easy because there is little to no prep required. You have to be very strict with yourself and, unlike Slimming World, you cannot create meals for the whole family.

Cambridge diet cost

I did find it to be rather expensive with an average meal costing £2.63, which is more than I usually like to spend. However, you will have a consultant to support you closely throughout. This was a big plus.

A woman smiling for the camera with a bowl of salad

Cambridge Diet vs Slimming World

As you can see the plans are very different with Cambridge being more restrictive and more expensive.

Slimming World on the other hand involves eating more calories and as such weight loss is likely to be slower than on Cambridge.

Slimming World also has a set cost with a weekly or monthly payment whereas the Cambridge diet will vary in cost depending on what you choose to eat.

My overall thoughts

Ultimately, we will all have slightly different experiences with the same diet and lifestyle plans.

You will find something that works for you but ensure that you keep your motivation levels high to achieve the best results.

Likewise, you must ensure that you have the right level of motivation and patience. Whatever route you choose, good luck!

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