I firmly believe that food addiction in many ways is like any other addiction and needs approaching in a similar way. With that in mind, I have chatted to the guys at The Recovery Village for their tips on how to conquer a drug addiction. I feel these tips will help me to conquer my food addiction and maybe help you too.

a selection of cakes and doughnuts

This is a sponsored post which means I have been paid for including some of the content of it to help you with addiction.

Advice from The Recovery Centre

Understanding the cycle of addiction is the first step in conquering it. However, for some people, the battle is ongoing. No matter how long you have been sober, your cravings will still be part of your daily life. They can arise at any time and for any number of reasons.

Addiction roots deeply in your mind and body. It is true that what your drug of choice varies how the body and mind respond to where you are at within the cycle, but your addiction is no less or more a problem to overcome. When seeking help, consider the options available, such as the best dual diagnosis treatment centers in California, to address both substance abuse and underlying mental health issues comprehensively.

Be Accountable

Whether it is a family member, friend, doctor, or a sponsor, you should be accountable and check in with these people on a regular basis. They become a safety net, so make sure they are people you trust and will not judge you. Utilize more than one person in case someone is unavailable. This helps bridge the time gap should you make a call and no one answers, which can add stress to your situation.

Keep a Diary

Nutritionists and therapists recommend food and mood diaries to help their patients find patterns. The same method can be effective in breaking the cycle of addiction. After a while, you will see patterns in your addiction, situations where you are most vulnerable, and triggers that strike. You can use that information to avoid stressors and places where you might fall backward in your recovery.

Change Your Routine

If Friday night usually involves going to the local bar, you must go somewhere else. Remove temptation from your life, whether the bar, club, taking a different path into work to avoid smokers, etc. This is one of the top tips from Deerfield Beach Outpatient, as they know their clients find this most helpful.

Change Your Friends

Friendships are the hardest part of addiction, but you will need to take a hard look at each relationship and their role in your sobriety. Lifelong friends or casual acquaintances can easily enable you and stall your recovery. No matter how much you love or respect them, you might need to limit contact or say goodbye.

Speak to a Professional

Breaking the cycle of alcohol or drug addiction is not easy, and nobody said you had to walk this road alone. Talk to a trained psychologist, psychiatrist, or addiction counsellor. You might require further help, such as detox or inpatient treatment.

Consider a Program

AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery, and more sobriety-focused organizations and groups exist. These support groups can offer you a safe space to share your problems, meet people walking the same road as you, and to give you additional support on your journey. For a food addiction, try a weight loss or healthy eating group.

Mind Over Matter

Addiction itself is not a choice; if it were, it is doubtful anyone would choose to be addicted. However, you can take control back from your addiction. Do not give it power over your mind or life decisions. This might mean staring down in the mirror and talking to yourself, but asserting control can help.

Develop a Hobby

Hobbies tend to keep your hands and mind preoccupied. They take you away from the normal routine, and often a momentary distraction is all you need.


Whether you read about addiction, the Bible, non-fiction, or fiction, you can escape the world until your feeling or craving passes.

Don’t Give Up On Yourself

It is easy to give up, especially if you slip up. Do not let minor bumps in the road derail you. Dust yourself off and try again.

For some addicts, you might find it takes multiple attempts before they succeed in breaking their addiction. Others might break it once, and have a few issues. Every person is different and reacts differently when it comes to addiction, temptation, and failure. The best you can do is learn from your mistakes, and then try again.

If you found this helpful please share!

About Author

Hi, I’m Jen Mellor; I live in Nottingham, UK. and use my knowledge and experience in weight loss and confidence to help you become your own cheerleader and best friend. I am usually seen wearing colourful leggings and love to wear bright colours. Wear what you love, and be proud of your style and choices!

One Comment

  1. All of the advice given regarding addiction is completely sound. My son is a recovering alcoholic who reached a point in his life where he didn’t want to live. His rock bottom was ugly, painful and destructive. Going to an AA meeting saved his life, and up to a point it saved mine. If he could stop drinking I certainly could stop over eating. I’ve lost almost 5 stone and hope to lose a little more, that last bit is a struggle bit I’m determined to get there. He struggles with his addiction every day and we talk about it. He helps me and I help him.
    Thank you for posting this and all your other missives Jen, you are an inspiration.

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