As we approach the summer months, many of us could be thinking we should regularly start exercising and doing what we can to be more active. It is understandable.
After all, we may be considering holidays later in the year or embracing a summer wardrobe, not to mention the added health benefits that you can experience.
However, having the thought about exercising more regularly is very different from actually doing it. Let’s face it, if you haven’t exercised in a while it can feel like an uphill battle to get back to it again.
There is a lot to consider if you find yourself starting your journey into exercise and toning up the body’s muscles. It’s not just about the exercise you take, but it can be more of a lifestyle change in general.
Exercising is actually only part of the narrative. So what can you do to get regularly exercising again? What if I said you could be back into a healthier habit of being more active in just 7 days?
It is possible and with motivation, you can make it happen. With that in mind, here are some of the ways to do it.
Do you need some help to start exercising?
Sometimes those first steps are all you need to get moving and exercise as a new habit. These tips and tricks will get you moving and you will soon forget you didn’t like exercise!
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Consider your diet
Starting to exercise more and tone up is so much more than the exercise you take. It’s about what fuels your body to start your journey. If you live off a diet that consists of burgers and chocolate, then you won’t do too well under the pressures of exercise.
You need to have the right kind of proteins, carbohydrates, and nutrients in your diet, to have enough energy to take exercise and tone up.
This is where a healthy balanced diet should be enjoyed. Nourish your body with healthy foods, fruits, and vegetables and benefit from the natural increase of vitamins and nutrients your body will get. It can make a huge difference when it comes to your exercise journey.
Increase the amount of water you drink
Exercising more and being active means you are going to sweat. It’s a fact! So you need to make sure you hydrate your body to keep the fluid levels topped up.
It is recommended to drink at least two litres of water a day, but many of us don’t even manage half that during the day. If you struggle with drinking more water then try and get into a habit of doing it.
Perhaps have a water bottle on your desk or close by as a reminder to drink more. Water has so many other added benefits including raising energy levels and improving mood.
There are many exercise options to consider
Taking exercise and toning up doesn’t just mean pounding the gym every day. There are so many options you can consider to give you variety in your workouts.
This defeats any chance of boredom and allows you to keep things up more. So you may want to consider things like running, walking more or just being active, or even things like yoga classes or swimming.
All will have great effects on your body, albeit in different ways.
Want to exercise without effort?
If you want an easy way to exercise here are some easy tips to help you burn calories without really noticing you are doing it! Perfect for anyone who feels they don’t have time to exercise!
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Have a workout friend
It is so much easier to stay motivated and enjoy exercising more regularly if you are doing it with a friend. They come in handy for the days you might not feel like it, but you don’t want to let anyone down.
You could run or walk together, or join a class each week. Having someone who can work out with you will not only help you to be accountable but can also motivate you to keep on going. They can be your cheerleader.
Make sure you have the right gear
It’s all well and good to have great intentions of starting to exercise, but if you don’t have the right gear you could cause yourself problems.
Running or any strenuous exercise on your leg muscles will require you to wear the right footwear. If you don’t, you may cause yourself an injury. It’s always best to be prepared.
Exercise when it suits you
One of the biggest excuses you might have can be to do with time. When do you have time to exercise? The truth is, we can all make time if we want to. So it may be worth looking at your routine, and seeing where you could exercise.
Perhaps when you have help with the children, before you start work or in the evening. Make it part of your routine. Exercise is another form of self-care, and there are many more benefits than just the increase in fitness levels.
You can feel happier, and more positive as well as improve your mindset. So make it a priority and work out when it suits you.
You don’t need an expensive gym membership, start at home
Some people assume that the only way they can exercise is through attending a gym, but this can often become an excuse. An excuse not to pay for it because of affordability, an excuse not to go because it is out of the way.
A gym membership can sometimes be a hindrance and not a saviour when it comes to your exercise routine. So start at home.
Use YouTube for workouts, step out of your front door and just run, or embrace a yoga routine in the garden. Just start at home and get over the hurdle of doing it. Once it becomes part of your routine you can always consider a gym membership then.
Track your exercise
If you track your exercise then it can help you stay motivated and exercise more regularly. Sign up below for my free download to track your exercise and keep going.
If you like funky leggings then you should definitely consider Locket Loves, they are so comfortable and go up to size 26. If you use my referral then you can get £5 off and I get some money to spend on more leggings too! I practically live in them now so a new pair will never go amiss!
Set yourself small, realistic targets to reach the big goal
Finally, the one reason many people quit their fitness journeys is due to set themselves unrealistic goals. It’s easy to become demotivated if you don’t feel like you are achieving what you set out to.
While it’s always good to have a big goal, try and set yourself small, realistic targets that you can hit. This will keep your motivation high, and your chances of hitting your big goal will be greater.
Let’s hope this may have inspired you to get going on your fitness journey in just 7 days.
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Thank you for this so many great suggestions and plans